Rednock School, Dursley, Gloucestershire

Design & Display Structures demonstrate their expertise in pod design

Design & Display Structures were called in to assist Hampshire based Cube Design with their interestingly shaped interior pods.

Following preliminary meetings with Jane Lock-Smith, commercial director Allan Curtis managed to find savings of some £50,000 by rationalisation of their original scheme. Sir Robert McAlpine are the main contractors on the project. The school was awarded £20.2 million from the government’s Building Schools for the Future programme.

Cube Design were charged with the task of developing outline plans that could take Rednock into the 21st century and meet the needs of the whole community, not just the students. Headteacher David Alexander and David Martin, chairman of governors are hugely excited about the developments of this forwarding looking school and contribution it will make to the community.

Joyce Holborow, deputy headteacher, was a member of the research team that investigated the cutting edge works by Design & Display at Queen Mary School of Dentistry, namely the Centre of Cell elevated meeting room/pod. Click here for GovEd report. The other members of the investigating team: Adam Nieman (Science Communication Specialist, GovEd Communications), Nick Blackmore (Designer, GovEd Communications), Rachel Sayers (Architect, Feilden Clegg Bradley), Olympia Brown (Science for Schools Coordinator, Royal Institution of Great Britain), Graham Roser (Curriculum Leader for Science, Estover Community College).

If your scheme is in similar need of rationalisation and cost savings, contact Allan Curtis on 07718 320184 to arrange a visit.
